Brace Vera da Cagliari

Aperto Ora

Orari di apertura

Esplora un mondo di sapori oggi stesso al Brace Vera. Situato all'indirizzo Via Roma 68, 09123,Sardegna Italia, Cagliari, Italy, siamo aperti oggi e non vediamo l'ora di servirti un pasto che non dimenticherai. Con un'orgogliosa 4 valutazione e 1619 recensioni positive, siamo la scelta perfetta per la tua avventura culinaria.

Orari di Apertura

  • lunedì 07:30 - 23:30
  • martedì 07:30 - 23:30
  • mercoledì 07:30 - 23:30
  • giovedì 07:30 - 23:30
  • venerdì 07:30 - 23:30
  • sabato 07:30 - 23:30
  • domenica 07:30 - 23:30


  • Indirizzo: Via Roma 68, 09123,Sardegna Italia, Cagliari, Italy
  • Telefono: +393346874985




Clementina Willms
Clementina Willms

in sardinia ho davvero cercato di trovare ristoranti che forniscono verdure, ma questo ristorante, insieme ai suoi menu di carne e pesce, fa un menu pasto vegan incredibile. era di gran lunga il miglior cibo vegetariano che abbia mai mangiato. ingredienti eccellenti., gusti e gusti. un ottimo ristorante con dipendenti fantastici e esigenti. almeno due dei dipendenti sono anche fluenti in inglese. di gran lunga il miglior ristorante che ho trovato nelle mie due settimane in sardinia, e uno dei migliori che sia mai stato. altamente raccomandato; un vero gustoso morso.

Mrs. Yvonne Lemke II
Mrs. Yvonne Lemke II

vera vicino ristorante di cucina cagliari naturale via roma ottimo cibo e ottimo servizio in una strada posteriore di cagliari. per lo più locale con il miglior cibo e servizio altamente raccomandato rob melbourne australia

Dr. Adele Hermann DDS
Dr. Adele Hermann DDS

we received a warm and hearty reception from the owner, in English. He helped us a lot with the menu and with the vegan options. we both loved our pasta dishes and I was so impressed by my sincere seasoning that I was almost in...doubt they were really vegan – they tasted as much as the real thing. the pasta dish that my wife ordered was delicious, but a bit too salty for her taste (but this could be designed for Italian taste buds). the service to the end, which is highly tailored – each server disappeared and left only a few people behind the bar that others did (like carving the meat). we felt a bit disappointed, but we loved the experience as a whole.

Kennith Bernhard
Kennith Bernhard

great place to breakfast. very stylish interieur and eating service are excellent. they must taste the fresh fruits

Miss Elena Kertzmann DDS
Miss Elena Kertzmann DDS

In Sardinia I have really struggled to find restaurants that cater for veggies, however this restaurant, along with its fine meat and fish menus, does an incredible vegan set meal menu. This was by far the finest vegetarian food I have ever eaten. Excellent ingredients,...flavour, presentation and taste. Overall a great restaurant with fantastic and exacting staff. At least two of the staff are fluent in English too. By far the best restaurant I have found in my two weeks in Sardinia and one of the best I have ever been to. Highly recommended; a real treat.

Noemie Howell
Noemie Howell

Brace Vera Ristorante Di Cucina Naturale Cagliari Via Roma Great food and great service in a back street of Cagliari. Mostly locals with the best food and service Highly recommended Rob Melbourne Australia

Cristobal Ortiz
Cristobal Ortiz

We received a warm and hearty welcome from the owner, in English. He helped us a lot with the menu and with the vegan options. We both loved our pasta dishes and I was so impressed by my seitan sausages that I was almost in...doubt they were truly vegan – they tasted so much like the real thing. The pasta dish that my wife ordered was tasty but a bit too salty for her liking (but this might be designed for Italian taste buds). The service towards the end tailored off greatly – every server vanished, leaving only a few people behind the bar who were doing other things (like carving meat). We felt a little disappointed with this but we loved the experience as a whole.

Penelope Cremin
Penelope Cremin

Great place to have breakfast. Very stylish interior and food Service are excellent. You have to try the fresh fruits

Brace Vera




  • Vegetariano
  • Opzioni Vegane
  • Opzioni Senza Glutine
  • Portare Fuori
  • Prenotazioni
  • Posti A Sedere
  • Parcheggio In Strada
  • Seggioloni Disponibili
  • Accessibile Alle Sedie A Rotelle
  • Serve Alcolici
  • Wifi Gratis
  • Accetta Carte Di Credito
  • Consegna
  • TV
  • Vino E Birra